Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long should my dentures last?

    We readily accept insurance for those who are eligible! All of our insurance codes are standardized and recognized by all major insurance companies. However, we do ask that you advise us at your earliest appointment if you have insurance eligibility; doing this helps us follow proper procedures to ensure a smooth, stress-free process and optimal coverage. Please note that most insurance companies require a formal estimate for any work over $500.00.
    Your insurance company will specify directly and only with you what portion of our cost for services will be covered via an “explanation of benefits.” From this point onward, we are here and happy to help! If you are unsure of your entitlements or wish to learn more about the process of filing a claim, don’t hesitate to give us a call. After 30+ years in the industry, there is very little we can’t answer when it comes to dental insurance in Saskatchewan.

  • How do I keep my dentures clean?

    Just like natural teeth, plaque can build up on your dentures, so it’s important to maintain a regular cleaning regimen. We recommend using dishpan soap and a soft bristle brush for daily cleaning, and a strong denture cleaner for a weekly soak. Toothpaste is generally not recommended for cleaning, as it can be abrasive on your dentures. We are always happy to offer specific product recommendations, so give us a call!

  • Should I take my dentures out at night?

    To allow the tissues in the mouth to breathe and relax, we strongly advise removing dentures at night and while sleeping.

  • My dentures are starting to feel loose in my mouth. What does this mean and what should I do?

    Aging and other physiological changes cause tissues and bony ridges in the mouth to change. When the ridge that supports a denture experiences shrinkage and resorption, your dentures may start to feel loose. This can often be rectified with a denture reline, which essentially “refits” the denture to the new ridge contours. As part of a regular maintenance regimen, we recommend relines every 2-3 years where possible, as this maximizes your denture’s fit and proactively eliminates further issues. We offer reline services as a same-day procedure to minimize the time you spend without your dentures.

  • How long should my dentures last?

    With proper maintenance and care, most complete and partial dentures are serviceable for approximately 5-7 years. However, many factors can impact this timeframe: physiological changes in the oral cavity, weight loss, general health issues, and more. We recommend booking in for a free consultation to determine the serviceability of your current dentures.

  • Before I can get dentures, my dentist told me I’ll need all my teeth pulled. What is the process for this?

    The answer here depends on which teeth are being extracted, as this determines whether the appliance will be a complete or partial denture. There are two approaches to preparing dentures to work with extractions: they can be made in advance and taken to the extraction appointment for insertion immediately following the extraction at the dental office; or you can allow time for natural healing and resorption of the extraction sites before having the denture(s) made. The latter typically takes between six to ten weeks. If you are unsure of what option is best suited to you, we are always available to discuss your options at no charge.

Have more questions? Please contact us

Working Hours

8:30am - 5:00pm

**Patients are seen by appointment only.**

Contact Details

27 5 St, Weyburn, SK S4H 0Y9
1 (306) 842-4744